I’m always looking for ways to connect with residents and recognise that not everyone is on Facebook… or wants to be. A newsletter which drops gently into your inbox seems a good idea.
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I read a lot of stuff but I also like to share - so as Guy Kawasaki once said:
Eat like a bird and poop like an elephant
Just so you get an idea of what you’re in for, you will receive a bite-sized roundup of local news through my lens as a district councillor; plus a dab of other stuff I think might be interesting or not obvious. I’ll share what’s on my radar (or as much as I can of it) and probably include a few shout-outs and links to useful resources.
How often?
Every now and then.
Newsletter archive.
What’s the catch?
No catch. You’re not signing up to anything else. You have my word.
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Thanks for your interest.
Cllr Steve Bridger
Independent councillor for Yatton ward on North Somerset Council
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook… and of course, my website.