There will be a public information meeting on Thursday 16th March - 7:30pm start - at Horsecastle Chapel where you will have an opportunity to find out more about the planned works, and to ask questions.
The improvements to our High Street have been designed to address the concerns raised by residents over many years concerning the safety and wellbeing of pedestrians, wheelchair and mobility scooter users and cyclists.
This follows the completion of the safer access into Yatton schools from the Co-op store car park back in August.
Creating a safer walking route into the school was only the first step in the delivery of a much wider vision to make streets in Yatton more people-friendly. When the work is completed in the summer, I hope that people will feel able to walk, cycle or scoot more safely, particularly from the new developments at North End to Yatton village centre. I hope that the proportion of short journeys made this way, including trips to and from school, will increase over time.
The meeting will also be an opportunity for residents to hear more about the plans for resuming bus services, including the introduction of the Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) service starting on 3rd April, and again… to have your questions answered.
As well as myself, the other confirmed attendees are:
Cllr Steve Hogg - Executive Member for Highways and Transport, North Somerset Council (NSC)
Cllrs Jonathan Edwards (Chair) and Cllr Chris Jackson (Vice-Chair), Yatton Parish Council
Gemma Dando - Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods and Transport, NSC
Katherine Diver - Lead Design Engineer, NSC
I also hope the council’s public transport lead will also be able to attend.
More information can be found here and the public consultation (April / May 2021) can be found on the North Somerset Council website.
Thank you and hope to see you at the meeting.